Monday, April 18, 2022

Unwanted Hair?

 Natural Remedy:

Alum Powder and Rose Water

Not the Rose Water mixed with glycerin or witch hazel. The organic version if possible. Incorporate that in your regular facial routine. Mix the two together until it turns into a paste, rub it on the area of unwanted hair and leave it on your face for about 10 minutes then wash it off and use your regular facial cleanser. The Alum Powder normally dries out your skin and the Rose Water is the back up, the natural hydrator. For thicker hair the process will take a little longer but don't get frustrated. Keep going until you get the results you want.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Do You Remember?

Our Largest Organ is our skin! 

The skin makes up our Integumentary System and our second largest organ is our Liver (solid internal).

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Facial Radiance


As a purchaser of this product
I have dealt with minor blemish issues
And can swear by it ! It's a little pricey
But instead of being prescribed harsh 
Chemicals that could possibly have a negative
Side effect on your skin or body, try this first. 
It'll either work for you or not but it won't make
Things worse. Any person of any ethnicity of any
Complexion can use this product. 

*First Aid Beauty*

*Click image to make it bigger"


God Bless Everyone