Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Pregnancy Help!

Ladies. You may be sick and need medicine your insurance doesn't cover or it just simply doesn't work for you. I found a few things that are quick and easy to get, cheap ($20 at most), and that kick in fast. Nothing working for morning sickness and you need to be able to function? Vitamin B6. It actually does work but not for long depending on the woman. 

You are wondering why the sleep tablets? The ingredient (diphenhydramine) in it is in a lot of other prescribed medication that may cost too much or as I said before your insurance doesn't cover. It kicks in really fast and obviously should be taken before you go to sleep. The point? Get the regular blue tablets, not the gel form, take this and Vitamin B6 together right before you go to sleep but make sure you eat. It takes the edge completely off of feeling dizzy, throwing up, etc. When you wake up in the morning I promise you will feel way better. After you wake up I can't give an exact time of how long it'll still last but you will at least be able to sit up and eat a real breakfast. Not bent over trying to get down saltine crackers. Some women can take it once for the day and feel better, while others may have to take it twice (ONLY Vitamin B6). Even if you can't get these exact brands, the generic version is just as good if not better but the MG may be in a higher dosage. Don't panic, just break them both in half and take it. It won't do any damage to you or your baby. Some doctors will try to play a role to scare you, tell you not to take anything at all because it's not safe, or give you something else crappy that does you NO good. Anyone who doesn't want to try this, try "Mother's Essentials No-Nausea Prenatal". It has Ginger and Red Raspberry combined that might help, or...

Having a hard time sleeping? Let pillows become your new friend. You need leg support, foot support, abdominal support, knee support and back support.  

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